3. Cosmetic Ingredient

» 3. Cosmetic Ingredient

Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements

3. Cosmetic Ingredient
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  • Description du produit


-Product Description-Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements


prénom:l'acide kojique


CAS No.: 501-30-4

Einecs: 207-922-4

Empirical Formula: C6H6O4

Nom chimique: 5-hydroxy-2-(Hydroxymethyl)-4H-Pyran-4-one

apperance:Presque cristal blanc ou poudre cristalline

Espace de rangement: Keep in a dry and cool place

Vacuum sealed foil packaging(1kg / bag),Export grade fiber drum (25kg / tambour).



-Introduction-Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements



l'acide kojique Le nom chimique est 5- hydroxy -2- hydroxyméthyle – 1,4 – pyranone,l'acide kojique est dans le brassage de la sauce de soja, bean paste and wine.



The existence of kojic acid can be detected in many fermented products fermented by aspergillus.

Kojic acid powder is a kind of specialized inhibitor for melanin. It can prevent the tyrosinase activity through synthesizing with copper ion in the cells after it enters skin cells. Kojic acid and its derivative has better inhibitory effect on tyrosinase than any other skin whitening agents. At present it is assigned into various kinds of cosmetics for curing freckles, taches sur la peau du vieil homme, pigmentation et de l'acné.



-Application-Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements


(1) Food use kojic acid may be used on cut fruits to prevent oxidative browning, in seafood to preserve pink and red colors.

(2) in cosmetics to lighten skin. As an example of the latter, it is used to treat skin diseases like melasma.

(3) Daily chemicals material Kojic acid can inhibits caseinase synthesis, then inhibits skinmelanin formation, kojic acid and it’s derivatives are widely used in high-quality brighteningcosmétique, bath cream midtoothpaste. The products containing kojic acid can treat freckle, acné, pigmentation and macula effectively without any toxic and bad results, Maintenant, kojic acid’s uselevel added in cosmetic amounts to 0.2-1.0 pour cent. 
(4) usage médical: Kojic acid also has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Kojic acid and it’s derivatives are used as an important material in antibioticcethamycin, anodyne, and antiphlogistic production.

(5) Pesticide Biologic fertilizer with 0.51.0% Kojic acid has a clearly effect on increase productionboth foodstuff and greenstuff.

(6) Others Kojic acid can be film despecking agent and iron ananysis reagent.




-Function-Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements



1. Skin-lightening agent Kojic acid is a natural, effective lightener (derived from rice) that helps fade spots by retarding excessive melanin production. Skin color is determined by the quantity of melanin in the skin. Melanin is biosynthesized in the melanosome of melanocytea process involving the presence of the enzyme tyrosinase. Kojic acid is known to inhibit tyrosinase thereby reducing the production of melanin. Kojic acid is primarily used in cosmetics for its skin lightening effect. It acts as an inhibitor of tyrosinase, which is responsible for the formation of melaninthe skin coloring agent in skin. Kojic acid also reduces existing melanin in the skin thereby assisting in the depigmentation of skin. Kojic acid successfully reduces age spots and pigmentation on face and body, typically caused by sun damage. Kojic acid is also known to have an anti-microbial effect.

2. Medicine material Kojic acid and its derivatives are used as important materials in antibiotic -cephamycin, anodyne, and antiphlogistic products.

3. qui aident à maintenir le bon fonctionnement de l'organisme malgré l'avancée de l'âge: Kojic acid and its derivatives work as antiseptic, antioxydant, preservative and color stabilizer in meat processing, also act as useful materials of food aromatizermaltol and ethylmaltol.

4. Preservative and color stablizer of cut-flower: Kojic acid and its derivatives are added to cut-flower to keep flower colorful and fresh.

5. Film developing agent and iron analysis reagent. 6. Non-toxic to person and livestock, pollution-free pesticide in insecticide production. En résumé, Kojic acid can act as a tyrosinase inhibitor (to inhibit melanin formation), un antioxydant, a bacteriostat, a metal chelating agent and an intermediate in synthesis. Applications of kojic acid include the prevention of discolouration of crustacea, meat and fresh vegetables as a preservative, as an antioxidant for fats and oils, dans les cosmétiques (skin whitening or depigmenting agent), in the preparation of derivative esters (i.e.. kojic oleate, kojic stearate), in adhesives, in chelate-forming resins and as a plant growth-regulating agent to increase production, early maturing and increase sweetness. Kojic acid has been used in flavourings at 0.2% to add luster, to prevent discolouration on vegetables at 1.0%, in flour production at 0.1%, in meat production at 0.2%, in syrup at 0.05% and as a whitening agent in cosmetics at 0.5–1.0%.


Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements


Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements


Pure skin whitening kojic acid powder For Nutritional Supplements


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