4. superaliments

» 4. superaliments

100% Natural Organic Black Elderberry Extract Powder for capsule

4. superaliments
demande de renseignements
  • Description du produit
Nom du produit Ina de ahrib 100% Natural Organic Black Elderberry Capsule
Apparence: Poudre fine
Qualité: Qualité cosmétique/qualité médicale/qualité alimentaire
Partie de la plante Utilisé: Fruit 
spécification: 10:1
pur en poudre
Pureté: 99% 
Les détails d'expédition: DHL/FEDEX/EMS/par mer ou par air
La quantité minimum de commande: 1kg 
Les échantillons: Nous pouvons vous envoyer des échantillons gratuits 10G-20g pour vous tester.
détail de livraison: Immédiatement
Contact: Rebekah/imaherb.com
Le service OEM imaherb peut fournir le sac oem ​​et la bouteille oem 

OEM: Capsule 60 capsule/bouteille ou 90 ou 120capsule/bouteille OEM: Capsule 60 capsule/bouteille ou 90 placer 120 gélules

Elderberry belongs to the family Lonicerae, which consists of 20 à 30 espèce. The strange name comes from the fact that
traditional Chinese doctor believes that its branches and stems can be used to treat fractures. Elderberries are mainly shrubs and
small trees, which are important forest species, mainly produced in temperate or subtropical forests. The fruit of elderberry is
berry. It is the food of many wild animals in the forest. These berries can also be used as food. They are generally used for
making wine, gelée, Pâtisserie, etc.. and also for medicine. Because of its edible nature, many cultivated varieties have been
cultivated in some areas for large-scale artificial planting. The shrub species of elderberry are also important ornamental
les plantes, which are widely planted in gardens. Elderberries are small, rouge, bleu, black or yellow. Dwarf elderberry is a perennial
herb, its berry is black, once used as black dye.

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