7. extracto botánico

» 7. extracto botánico

Suministro de polvo de extracto de propóleo soluble en agua pura 10%~95% Extracto de propóleo soluble

7. extracto botánico
  • Descripción del producto


-Product Description-Propolis extract powder With Competitive Price

nombre del producto:  Asiatic Plantain Herb Extract

origen vegetal:  Asiatic Plantain Herb

Nombre latino:Herba Plantaginis

Otro nombre:Asiatic Plantain Herb Extract 10:1

Ingrediente activo:  Plantagoside

Especificación:  5:1 10:1 20:1

parte usada :  toda la hierba

Apariencia:  Marrón Amarillo polvo fino

Método de prueba:  TLC

-Introduction-Propolis extract powder With Competitive Price



Plantain herb extract, is a kind of water seeding medicine, the main treatment of edema urine, hot drenching pain, heat and diarrhea. Internal: decoction, 15 ~ 30g (fresh double); Or mash it. External use: moderate amount, mash, wringing or frying water.



-Application-Propolis extract powder With Competitive Price


1.Applied in Pharmaceutical

 2.Applied in Beverage Food Additives

3.Applied in Medicine and Health Products


-Function-Propolis extract powder With Competitive Price



1. Relieve inflammation,diuresis,

2. mejorar la vista, eliminate phlegm, inhibite all sorts of bacillus,

3. To remove heat to induce diureses,

4. To promote expectoration,

5. To reduce heat in blood and to counteract toxicit.

Propolis extract powder With Competitive Price



Suministro de polvo de extracto de propóleo soluble en agua pura 10%~95% Extracto de propóleo soluble


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OUR COMPANY-Supply Pure Water Soluble 10%~95% Propolis Extract Powder Propolis extract soluble


FAQ of Supply Pure Water Soluble 10%~95% Propolis Extract Powder Propolis extract soluble

Suministro de polvo de extracto de propóleo soluble en agua pura 10%~95% Extracto de propóleo soluble


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