6. Aditivos alimentarios

» 6. Aditivos alimentarios

Polvo de Bacillus Natto natural digestivo de alta eficacia a bajo precio

6. Aditivos alimentarios
  • Descripción del producto

Product Description of Natural Digestive High Effective Low Price Bacillus Natto powder



 Neobiotika NATTO powder is a fermented food with probiotic properties made according to a traditional Japanese recipe. Our Natto is produced through the fermentation of organic soy with Bacillus subtilis natto, a very special bacterium imported from Japan. In contrast with chungkukjang, the salty Korean equivalent, Natto has no added salt.




Introduction of Natural Digestive High Effective Low Price Bacillus Natto powder



The Japanese use Natto because it has several health benefits:

improved digestion and assimilation.
substantial increase in energy and stamina
healthy blood, blood vessels and heart, stronger joints and bones
increase of the immune system activity and efficiency, (es decir. disease prevention and healing,)
as poultice on wounds and burns, it prevents infection and hastens healing,
applied to the face and neck as a cosmetic mask
NATTO keeps the skin younger and provides a beautiful complexion, For more information read our document “NATTOTHE WONDER FOOD SUPPORTED BY SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION”.  NEOBIOTIKA offers standing bags with 330 grams of Natto dehydrated[1] at low temperature, with all enzymes designed to stay active.



1. Bacillus subtilis 20 BCFU / g ,
2. Bacillus licheniformis 20 BCFU / g,
3. Bacilo natto 5BCFU / g,
4. Bacillus coagulans 10 BCFU / g,
5. Lipasa 100.000 IU,
6. La bromelina 50.000 IU,
7. Papaína 100.000 IU todo
8. Alfa amilasa 10.000 IU,
9. Pepsina 10.000 UI,
10. Proteasa neutra 100.000 IU,
11. Proteasa ácida 100.000IU,
12. Lactasa 10 ALU / g,
13. Celulasa 20.000 IU



embalaje & Envío

Embalaje & Delivery of Natural Digestive High Effective Low Price Bacillus Natto powder



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