12.pigmento natural

» 12.pigmento natural

High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae

12.pigmento natural
  • Descripción del producto


 Product Description of High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae



Nombre del producto High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae
Otro nombre dunaliella salina powder
origen vegetal Salt algae extract
Apariencia polvo amarillo
Método de prueba HPLC
Duracion 2 años



 Introduction of High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae




Dunaliella salina is a type of halophile green micro-algae especially found in sea salt fields. Known for its antioxidant activity because of its ability to create large amount of carotenoids, it is used in cosmetics and dietary supplements. Few organisms can survive like D. salina does in such highly saline conditions as salt evaporation ponds. To survive, these organisms have high concentrations of β-carotene to protect against the intense light, and high concentrations of glycerol to provide protection against osmotic pressure. This offers an opportunity for commercial biological production of these substances.




 Application of High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae




1. Aplicada en el campo de los alimentos, se ha convertido en una nueva materia prima que se usa en la industria de alimentos y bebidas;
2. Aplicada en el campo de productos de salud;
3. Aplicado en el campo farmacéutico.




 IMAHERB BIOTECH se dedica principalmente a la producción y venta de extracto de plantas naturales, pigmento natural, y super comida orgánico que se utiliza principalmente en productos de salud, productos cosméticos, productos químicos, aditivos alimentarios y productos farmacéuticos & TOP Quality Beta Carotene powder 20% y 10% Agua soluble



Function of High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae



1. Dunaliella salina powder has powderful scavenging free radicals.

2. Dunaliella salina powder used to adjust the acid-base balance.

3. Dunaliella salina powder full complement of cell nutrients.

4. Dunaliella salina powder has good effect to repair sugar chain.


Información de la empresaINFORMACIÓN DE LA COMPAÑÍA— High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae
  embalaje & Envío

EMBALAJE & ENVÍO DE– High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae



OACKAGING CUSTOM & High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae



IMAHERB High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae

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High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae


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High quality water soluble betacarotene from algae


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