12.pigmento natural

» 12.pigmento natural

High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade

12.pigmento natural
  • Descripción del producto


-Product Description-High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade


nombre del producto:  extracto de ajo

Nombre latino:     Allium Sativum L

Apariencia:    La luz amarilla polvo fino

Especificación:  1% 5%

Método de prueba:  HPLC

Detalle de Envio:Inmediatamente 

-Introduction-High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade


   Garlic was used as a remedy for intestinal disorders, flatulencia, worms, infecciones respiratorias, Enfermedades de la piel, heridas, symptoms of aging, and many other ailments.To date, mas que 3000 publications from all over the world have graduallyconfirmed the traditionally recognized health benefits of garlic.

Although Garlic has so many benefits to human body, but it has a unpleasant odor. most of people do not like this tasteso we use modern biological technology, to enrichment the elite containing in the Garlic .and get rid of the odor of theproducto, we call it Garlic Extract (La alicina). Garlic Extract we produced has all the nutritional elements of Garlic, but it has amuch more function than the Garlic with a higher concentration of functional factors; We can offer Powder, Granular; yLiquid and Oil form of this product with our more than 10 years experience on the garlic field.


-Application-High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade


1. Se aplica en el campo de los alimentos, mainly as a functional food additives used in cookie, pan de molde, productos cárnicos y así sucesivamente;

2. Se aplica en el campo de productos de salud, often made into capsule to lower blood pressure and blood fat;

3. Aplicado en el campo farmacéutico., mainly used in treating bacterial infection, gastroenteritis y las enfermedades cardiovasculares;

4. Aplicado en el campo de aditivos para piensos., protect the poultry, ganado y peces contra la enfermedad.




-Function-High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade



1.It can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood,and reduce platelet agglutination to promote blood circulation, prevent

thrombus and so on.
2.It can strength organism immune system,prevenir los resfriados
3.It has a strong bactericidal action,especially suit for nose,lungs and respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections.

4.It can adjust blood sugar and reduce diabetes.
5.invigorating stomach and promoting bower movements, eliminate the toxin inside body.
6.It can promote our appetite and active our digestion.
7.It can activating cells and genes.reduce the rectal cancer and gastric cancer.

High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade


High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade


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NUESTRA EMPRESA-Insecticida natural Aceite de piretro / Extracto de piretro 50% Extracto de aceite / piretro


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High quality organic odorless garlic oil extraction as season With Pahrm Grade


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