12.pigmento natural

» 12.pigmento natural

Best Made in China moringa 20:1 plant extract powder

12.pigmento natural
  • Descripción del producto
nombre del producto Moringa polvo de hojas
parte usada Hoja
Nombre latino Moringa oleifera Lam
Color polvo verde
Test methold HPLC
Grado Grado de comida
Condiciones de almacenaje Conservar en lugar fresco & lugar seco, Mantener alejado de la luz fuerte y el calor.
Customized Disponible
Muestra Disponible

Moringa powder leaf(Moringa oleifera Lam.) is tropical deciduous Perennial trees, height can reach up to 10 metros. The tree is native to India but has been planted around the world. Moringa contains balanced and rich nutrients, The leaves contain all essential amino acids and are rich in protein, vitamina A, Vitamina B, vitamina C, y minerales. It is one of the richest sources of essential nutrients often lacking in people's diets. polvo de Moringa se hace de las hojas recién cosechadas del árbol Moringa oleifera. Fresh Moringa powder has a deep green color and a rich nutty smell. The nutrient-packed powder is soft and fluffy when it is pure and grown in organic conditions. It dissolves easily into water or juice and is an excellent ingredient in a variety of healthy recipes.

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