7. extracto botánico

» 7. extracto botánico

100% Sin aditivos polvo de cáscara de nuez para productos de salud

7. extracto botánico
  • Descripción del producto
nombre del producto Black Walnut Shell Powder
Fuente Botánico semilla de nuez
Product appearance polvo amarillo Brown(According to the different content, different colour)
Olor Característica
Ensayo 5:1 10:1 20:1

Walnut Extract is believed to have oringinated in Persia or France where petrified shells of roasted walnuts have been discovered dating back 8,000 years from the Neolithic period.Walnut extract is considered food for the goods in ancient Rome and named Juglans regia (Jupiter's royal acorn) en honor a jupier. Juglans is derived from Jovis glans.meaning Jupiter's acom, and regia meaning royal.
Walnut extract is an excellent source of antioxidants and the minerals manganese, cobre, fósforo, y magnesio. Walnuts are a very good source of protein, fibra dietética, the amino acid arginine, omega-3
fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Walnuts are unique because they are rich in n-6 (linoleate) and n-3 (linolenate) polyunsaturated fatty acids.

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