12.natürliches Pigment

» 12.natürliches Pigment

Hochwertiges Ceramid zum besten Preis 2.5% Pulver

12.natürliches Pigment
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Product Description of TOP Quality Best Price Ceramide 2.5% Pulver



Produktname:2.5% Ceramid

Wirkstoffe: Ceramide

Molekularformel: C34H66NO3R

Molekulargewicht: 536.89

CAS-Nummer:  104404-17-3
Testmethode: HPLC

Meine Bestellung: 1kg

Valid: 60 Tage

Haltbarkeit: 2 Jahre

Standardverpackung: 25kg/dram


 Introduction of TOP Quality Best Price Ceramide 2.5% Pulver


Ceramidpulver sind eine Familie wachsartiger Lipidmoleküle. Ein Ceramid besteht aus Sphingosin und einer Fettsäure. Ceramide kommen in hohen Konzentrationen in der Zellmembran von Zellen vor, da sie Bestandteil von Lipiden sind, aus denen Sphingomyelin besteht, eines der Hauptlipide in der Lipiddoppelschicht.
Als bioaktives Lipid, Ceramid wurde in eine Vielzahl von physiologischen Funktionen einschließlich Apoptose verwickelt, Zellwachstumsstillstand, Unterscheidung, Zellalterung, Zellmigration und Adhäsion. Rollen für Ceramid und seine nachgeschalteten Metaboliten wurden auch in einer Reihe von pathologischen Zuständen einschließlich Krebs vorgeschlagen, Neurodegeneration, Diabetes, mikrobielle Pathogenese, Fettleibigkeit, und Entzündung.




 Application of TOP Quality Best Price Ceramide 2.5% Pulver


There are three major pathways of ceramide generation. 1. The sphingomyelinase pathway uses an enzyme to break down sphingomyelin in the cell membrane and release ceramide. 2. The de novo pathway creates ceramide from less complex molecules. 3. Ceramide generation can also occur through breakdown of complex sphingolipids that are ultimately broken down into sphingosine, which is then reused by reacylation to form ceramide.



 Function of TOP Quality Best Price Ceramide 2.5% Pulver



One of the most studied roles of ceramide powder pertains to its function as a proapoptotic molecule. Apoptosis, or Type I programmed cell death, is essential for the maintenance of normal cellular homeostasis and is an important physiological response to many forms of cellular stress. Ceramide powder accumulation has been found following treatment of cells with a number of apoptotic agents including ionizing radiation, UV light, TNF-alpha, and chemotherapeutic agents. This suggests a role for ceramide in the biological responses of all these agents.

Ceramide powder is the main component of the stratum corneum of the epidermis layer of human skin. Together with cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, ceramide creates a water-impermeable, protective organ to prevent excessive water loss due to evaporation as well as a barrier against the entry of microorganisms.


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