7. Pflanzenextrakt

» 7. Pflanzenextrakt

aktiver Aloe Emodin Aloe Vera Extrakt

7. Pflanzenextrakt
  • Produktbeschreibung
 EINctive aloe emodin aloe vera extract
Technische Daten

Produktname:  aktiver Aloe Emodin Aloe Vera Extrakt

Aussehen: organge yellow powder

Partikelgröße: 100% geben 80mesh

Anderer Name: Aloe Emodin
CAS-NR.: 481-72-1
Löslichkeit: 100% wasserlöslich
Technische Daten: Aloe Emodin 95%,98% durch HPLC

Ich fing an,, also known as Barbaloin, is a bitter, yellow-brown colored compound noted in the exudate of at least 68 Aloe species at levels from 0.1 zu 6.6% of leaf dry weight (making between 3% und 35% of the toal exudate), and in another 17 species at indeterminate levels. It is used as a stimulant-laxative, treating constipation by inducing bowel movements. The compound is present in what is commonly referred to as the aloe latex that exudes from cells adjacent to the vascular bundles, found under the rind of the leaf and in between it and the gel. When dried, it has been used as a bittering agentin commerce. Aloe is listed in federal regulations as a natural substance that may besafely used in foodwhen usedin the minimum quantity required to produce their intended physical or technical effect and in accordance with all the principles of good manufacturing practice.This food application is generally limited to use in quite small quantities as a flavoring in alcoholic beverages and may usually be identified only as anatural flavor.
Gesundheit Funktion
1) EINctive aloe emodin aloe vera extract has the function of einnti tumor activity.
2) EINctive aloe emodin aloe vera extract has the function of antibacterial activity.
3) EINctive aloe emodin aloe vera extract has the function of immune inhibition.
4) EINctive aloe emodin aloe vera extract has the function of purgative effect.
5) EINctive aloe emodin aloe vera extract reduce fat and lose weight.
(1). EINloe emodin aloe vera extract be applied in the fields of food and health product , aloe contains a lot of amino acids, Vitamine, Mineralien und andere Nährstoffe, die dem Körper bei einer besseren Gesundheitsversorgung helfen können;
(2). EINloe emodin aloe vera extract be applied in pharmazeutischem Gebiet, it has the function of promoting tissue regeneration and anti-inflammatory;
(3). EINloe emodin aloe vera extract be applied in cosmetic field, es ist in der Lage die Haut zu nähren und zu heilen.




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