3. Cosmetic Ingredient

» 3. Cosmetic Ingredient

100% Nature Hot sale kojic acid dipalmitate kad-16 79725-98-7

3. Cosmetic Ingredient
  • Produktbeschreibung
Kojic acid dipalmitate kad-16 79725-98-7  Information:
Produktname Kojic acid dipalmitate kad-16 79725-98-7
Spezifikation 99%
Aussehen Hellgelbes Pulver
CAS-Nr 79725-98-7
EINECS-Nr 207-922-4
Testmethode  HPLC
Klasse Kosmetikum,Essen & Medizin
Haltbarkeit 2 Jahre


What is Kojic acid dipalmitate kad-16 79725-98-7?

1.Kojisäure DIPALMITATE bietet wirksame Haut aufhellende Wirkung. Verglichen mit Kojisäure, Kojisäure dipalmitat verbessert deutlich die hemmende Wirkung auf die Tyrosinase-Aktivität, welches verbietet die Bildung von Melanin.
2.Kojisäure dipalmitat ist licht- und wärmestabil, während Kojisäure neigen im Laufe der Zeit zu oxidieren.
3.Kojisäure dipalmitat ist stabil in einem breiten pH-Bereich von 4-9, die procides Flexibilität Formulierer.

4. Kojisäure DIPALMITATE dreht sich nicht braun oder gelb im Laufe der Zeit aus zwei Gründen. Zuerst, Kojisäure sind nicht stabil gegenüber Licht und Wärme, und neigt dazu, zu oxidieren,, was zu einer Farbänderung (oft gelb oder braun). Zweite, Kojisäure neigt dazu, mit Metall Eisen chelatisieren, was dazu führt, oft in Farbwechsel. Andererseits, Kojisäure dipalmitat ist stabil bis pH, Licht, Hitze und oxidations, und nicht-Komplex mit Metallionen, die führen Stabilität zu färben.

Die Funktion von Kojic acid dipalmitate kad-16 79725-98-7

1.Kojic acid dipalmitate is a new skin whitening agent,it can prevent the formation of melanin by inhibiting the activity of tyrase, effective ratio can be up to 80%,so it have a evidently whitening effect and the effect is stronger than the kojic acid dipalmitate.
2.Kojic Acid dipalmitate is widely used in whiten cosmetic applied as a skin lightening agent due to its potential to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase. Tyrosinase is necessary for the synthesis of melanin, which offers skin its coloring.
3.Kojic Acid dipalmitate also has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant attributes. It can protect against fruits from turning brown and is also applied to preserve the pink and red shade of seafood.
4.Kojic Acid dipalmitate can also be used in antibiotic synthetic intermediate products, agriculture plant tutelage and chemical reagent, ect. (Kojisäure DIPALMITATE)

Application of Kojic acid dipalmitate kad-16 79725-98-7

1.Kojic acid dipalmitate is a new skin whitening agent,it can prevent the formation of melanin by inhibiting the activity of tyrase, effective ratio can be up to 80%,so it have a evidently whitening effect and the effect is stronger than the kojic acid dipalmitate.
2.Kojic Acid dipalmitate is widely used in whiten cosmetic applied as a skin lightening agent due to its potential to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase. Tyrosinase is necessary for the synthesis of melanin, which offers skin its coloring.
3.Kojic Acid dipalmitate also has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant attributes. It can protect against fruits from turning brown and is also applied to preserve the pink and red shade of seafood. 4.Kojic Acid dipalmitate can also be used in antibiotic synthetic intermediate products, agriculture plant tutelage and chemical reagent, ect.

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