3. косметические ингредиенты

» 3. косметические ингредиенты

Высшее качество 2018 Порошок ресвератрола с экстрактом корня японского горца

Категорий и TAGS:
3. косметические ингредиенты
  • описание продукта
Наименование товара: Гликолевая кислота 
Размер: 100% проходимость через 80 мм сито
Внешний вид: белый порошок
Место хранения: Прохладное и сухое место
Применение: Медицинский класс / Сорт косметики
Деталь поставки: Немедленно

Glycolic acid is used to smooth wrinkles, fade hyperpigmentation and sun damage, and generally improve the tone and texture of the skin. Как таковой, it is often used in anti-aging products.
Glycolic acid, because of the small size of its molecules, can easily penetrate the skin. It helps loosenthe bonds that hold skin cells together. The skin feels softer and smoother, and its overall appearance is enhanced.
Функция продуктаGlycolic acid is the most commonly used alpha hydroxy acid, owing to its reputation as one of the safest and most effective.
Its molecules are the smallest among the AHAs, so it's able to penetrate skin better and be absorbed readily.

It works by actually destroying the bonds between old skin cells, freeing them so they can be sloughed off. This might sound scary and counterproductive, but it's actually quite beneficial.

Glycolic acid is an exfoliator, which means that it safely removes the outer layer of dead skin cells.
В этом случае, it helps accelerate your skin's renewal process, bringing fresh, new skin to the surface on a regular basis when used routinely. This can help your skin look younger and dewier, with a glow that arises from increased circulation and faster cell turnover.

It's much more than anti-aging product, though; glycolic acid also helps lighten discolorations such as sun and age spots.

It can even help skin that's prone to blackheads, whiteheads, and acne by keeping pores clear of old skin that tends to clog them and cause problem.Применение продукта1. Glycolic acid is used to improve the skin's appearance and texture.
2. It may reduce wrinkles, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation and improve many other skin conditions.

3. High-end electronics component production and semi-conductor processing

4. Agent for nickel plate.
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