7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

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7. Ботанический Extract
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Наименование товара Slippery Elm Bark Powder
латинское название Ulmus pumila L.
Внешний вид бурый дымный порох
Б Часть Лай
Основные технические характеристики 20:1,10:1,5:1
метод испытаний ТСХ
Размер частицы 100%через 80 мм сито
COA Доступный

Slippery Elm Bark is a type of herb which is derived from Ulmus,contains a wide variety of nutrients that include vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C, Campesterol, железо, фосфор, магний, beta-sitosterol, калий, цинк, селен, and beta-carotene.. Это’s considered to be an herbal remedy and commonly used for fevers and/or colds, также, it could be used for soothing digestive systems thats irritated. Это’s also known as moose elm, red elm, winged elm, and Indian elm. The inner bark of this plant is whats used for medical purposes and contains mucilage, long chain of sugars, which becomes a slippery substance if mixed with water. Cегодня, it could be used to sooth various types of digestive aggravations in the bowel such as gut or colic inflammation, понос, and can even assist in relieving acid indigestion.

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