7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Горячие продажи Китай поставляет льняное масло для продуктов для здоровья

Категорий и TAGS:
7. Ботанический Extract
  • описание продукта
Наименование товара Flax Seed Oil
латинское название Linum usitatissimum
Часть Б семя
Production Method Cold pressing or/and Refining
Активный компонент ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid)
Спецификация 50.0%-60%
Метод испытания GC
Внешний вид Yellow oily liquid

The oil contains a kind of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) called Alpha Linolenic Acid(ALA for short). These fatty acids can not be synthesized by the human body's own, also are not found in the normal diet, yet it is an essential intermediate in human metabolism, therefore it is necessary to absorb from the daily nutrient supplement.
Функция продукта1. Flaxseed extract linseed oil can lower blood lipids, холестерин и триглицериды
2. Flaxseed extract linseed oil can prevent stroke and high blood pressure

3. Flaxseed extract linseed oil can prevent thrombosis and arteriosclerosis

4. Flaxseed extract linseed oil can prevent arrhythmia

5. Flaxseed extract linseed oil can burn excess body fat

6. Flaxseed extract linseed oil can reduce allergic reactions, уменьшить астму, улучшить артрит

7. Flaxseed extract linseed oil can improve women's menstrual syndrome

8. Flaxseed extract Flaxseed oil can control stress and reduce depression and insomnia.

Применение продукта 1. Flaxseed extract Flaxseed oil can be used as a raw material for cosmetic ingredients, and flaxseed extract is mainly used in the cosmetics industry.
2. Flaxseed extract Flaxseed oil can be used as a raw material for anti-cancer, anti-tumor and flaxseed extracts, mainly used in the pharmaceutical field.

3. Flaxseed extract Flaxseed oil can be used as a component in the treatment of menopause, balance hormones, и т.д. Flaxseed extract powder is mainly used in the health care industry.

4. Flaxseed extract Flaxseed oil can be used as a health food for cosmetics, nutraceuticals and pharmaceutical supplements.

9. Flaxseed extract Flaxseed oil can improve the skin fat content, moisturize the skin smooth, мягкий и эластичный, so that the skin's breathing and sweat return to normal, alleviating various skin problems.
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